First Trimester Pregnancy Must-Haves

Did you just find out you’re pregnant? First off - CONGRATULATIONS! If you’re a first-time mom and feeling overwhelmed and unsure of exactly what you need to get through these first few months of pregnancy, today’s post is for you!

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You’re probably here because just like me, you took a pregnancy test, it came back positive, and now you’re wondering what all lies ahead (or maybe you’ve already started feeling symptoms and you’re looking for anything that can help). Either way, you’re in the right place!

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My Pregnancy Must-Haves

  1. Huge Water Jug: I know, I know, everyone tells you to drink more water, but it’s true! Water obviously has so many benefits, but especially in pregnancy. ACOG recommends 8-12 cups (64-96 oz) every day during pregnancy to help support your growing baby - including forming amniotic fluid, circulating nutrients and aiding in digestion.

  2. Stool Softener: Speaking of digestion, the constipation is REAL in pregnancy. I actually had it so bad that I ended up in urgent care when I was about 13 weeks pregnant. My doctor said it was safe for me to take an over-the-counter stool softener every day, as well as taking a fiber supplement, such as Metamucil, mixed into a glass of water up to two times per day. Of course, you should always consult your doctor before taking any medication.

  3. Ritual Prenatal: I’ve been taking Ritual’s Essential Multivitamin since before I was pregnant, but once I found out I was pregnant I switched to Ritual’s Essential Prenatal Multivitamin. It has 12 key nutrients for pregnancy, including folate and choline for neural tube support, Omega-3 DHA for brain development, Iron and B12 for red blood cell development and D3, K2, Magnesium and Boron for bone formation. I’m super sensitive to smell, especially since becoming pregnant, so my favorite part about these vitamins is that they’re infused with lemon so you can’t smell or taste all those vitamin-y smells ;)

  4. Promptly Childhood History Journal: My mom kept a baby book for me and after she gave it to me, I knew I wanted to do the same for my children some day. There’s something so special about reading things that were written for you a long time ago. I decided on Promptly’s Childhood History journal specifically because it goes beyond pregnancy (all the way up to 18 years old!) It covers everything from the moment you found out you’re pregnant, to second trimester cravings, to birth story and then from there gives you plenty of space to document all of your child’s “firsts.” It also has a set of questions for you to answer about your child on their birthday each year and is intended to be shared with your child on his/her 18th birthday. I love that I am writing in a journal that I will still be writing in 18 years from now!

  5. Nausea Relief: Ugh, I guess it’s time to talk about the elephant in the room - everyone’s least favorite pregnancy symptom - nausea! There were a couple weeks in my first trimester when I was seriously wondering if it would ever end. Fortunately, it did (and pregnancy has become so much more enjoyable), so don’t lose hope! You’ll be back to feeling like your normal self again soon. Some of the things that helped me the most were sour candies, mints and sea bands. Anything sour worked for me (even sucking on a lemon), but these Preggie Pop candies were specifically created for pregnant women and come in two flavors. I also found a lot of relief in anything mint flavored or scented. A dab of peppermint essential oil under my nose was perfect for when I was nauseous and had to wear a mask to my doctor’s appointments and I almost always had these sugar-free peppermints in my purse or pocket. I also had a couple flights booked during my pregnancy and there are few things worse than being stuck on a plane and nauseous, so these sea bands were so helpful. They aren’t just for morning sickness - lots of travelers use them for motion sickness on planes and boats, too. They actually helped so much that I ended up wearing them throughout the day, even when I wasn’t flying from weeks 8-10 when my nausea was at its peak.

  6. Bringing up Bebe: If you follow me on Instagram, you may know that after my first trimester, my husband and I moved across the country to be closer to family. We listened to tons of audiobooks on our drive, but this one was one of our favorites. It’s about an American mother on her journey to learn more about the mysterious French way of parenting - and why it’s so successful. We loved it and took away so much great wisdom. The author, Pamela Druckerman, also has another book, Bebe By Day, that has even more practical tips and tricks for parenting your child once he/she is a little bit older. It’s already in my Amazon cart for postpartum!

First Trimester Recap

Overall, my first trimester was much smoother than some women I know. I am so grateful for the privilege of being able to bring life into the world and had to constantly remind myself of that miracle on the hard days. I promise it doesn’t last forever and before you know it, you’ll be holding your sweet baby in your arms. Don’t let the overwhelming feeling of fear and raging hormones steal your joy in this season!

Don’t forget to join me on Instagram - I post lots of encouraging stories, fun projects and tips and tricks for raising kinder, more inclusive kids! Click here to join us and say hello :)

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Congratulations, again, on the life growing inside you. I’ve just begun working on my second trimester must-haves, so be sure to subscribe to get my next guide sent directly to your inbox! For those of you that have reached the end of your first trimester, be sure to leave a comment below with your own first trimester must-haves!